UI/UX Articles and Interesting Tidbits of the Week

Pedro Canhenha
4 min readAug 21, 2021


Here are some interesting finds on UI/UX of the week!


Flexible Thinking. Very interesting article from The Fast Company on the topic of Flexible Thinking. Its relevancy is particularly exacerbated these days, when everyone is under such pressure to not only devise new ways to work remotely and effectively, but also continue to be engaged, innovative and adaptive. The article provides good recommendations on this topic by highlighting aspects such as seeking inspiration in other industries and fields of expertise, observing different points of view when it comes to ways of solving problem, to name but a few. Well worth a read, for the considerations that it proposes. Highlight of the article includes:

“Creativity requires exploration and risk-taking. Make a deliberate effort to seek out new ways of doing things. Set an audacious goal of coming up with 10 or more new ideas. There is a correlation between how much time we spend looking for new ideas and how many ideas we come up with, so give yourself ample time. Most important, give yourself explicit permission to dream up ideas that may be impractical, silly, or unrealistic. The point is to break out of your existing thought patterns. The wacky and impractical ideas you generate may serve as stepping stones to new workable solutions.”


Developing Businesses Technology Roadmaps. Another interesting article from Smashing Magazine, this time around focused on Developing Technology Roadmaps. There are a variety of types of Roadmaps, including Product, Field and Specialty, but this particular article from author Cache Merril, focuses on detailing the role a roadmap actually plays in impacting the Agile process, Digital Transformation and also driving Innovation. It’s a thorough article which also touches upon topics such as stakeholder input, priority definition, timeline establishment, to name but a few. Well worth reading. Highlight of the article includes:

“Once there’s a clear view of what can be worked on, when it can be worked on, and how long it might take to implement, there’s enough information to fashion a budget for each item. Each item’s details should be worked through fully to get an as accurate as possible estimate for what’s needed. Budget decisions can also affect how urgent or necessary an item truly is. Some businesses find they’re better off putting something on the back burner or investing in a service that solves the same problem.”


Hybrid Workplaces and Inclusivity. The Fast Company has been continuously publishing a series of articles firstly on how the Pandemic has had a profound impact on Working habits and paradigms, and secondly, how these changes have impacted different demographics, but also workers with different education and skills sets across the board. This article serves as an interesting reflection on the state of hiring, widening of opportunities, but also on the extremely pertinent topic of inclusivity. If in the recent past, most of the opportunities were located in clusters dominated by high volume of talent, capital and synergy of ideas (incubation hubs), with the dissemination of talent, and increase of remote work opportunities, all these paradigms are shifting. The article touches upon topics such as digital jobs and how they potentiate new opportunities for workers who are at risk of seeing their paths being automated, but also how training and further education will shape up the future composition of the workforce moving forward. Very interesting read. Highlight of the article includes:

“This moment presents a significant opportunity to level the playing field for how women learn and work, thereby breaking down systemic barriers in the tech industry and bringing more women back into the workforce. STEM jobs are booming and projected to grow more than two times faster than the total for all occupations in this decade, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This trend will be largely catalyzed by digital jobs, many of which can be done remotely, and offer more elbow room for women to advance their careers flexibly while bringing diverse representation to the field. Gender equity and representation are complex issues, and limiting them to a “pipeline problem” is at best an oversimplification. However, with the fast pace of change in business and technology, upskilling is essential for all professionals, and it’s a positive sign to see greater gender balance among STEM learners.”



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