UI/UX Articles and Interesting Tidbits of the Week

Pedro Canhenha
4 min readJan 15, 2023


Here are some interesting finds on UI/UX of the week!


Technology and the Home Buying Process. An article hailing from the Adobe Blog, specifically from their Adobe Acrobat Team, on the topic of the evolution of Real Estate purchases (and closings) in the North American market. The article is a fair observation on how the American real estate market has evolved (based on research endeavors that have been performed) since the pandemic, and how that has forced substantial alterations on how mortgages get approved and closings get effectively done. It’s of course an opportunity to promote Acrobat’s many capabilities, namely mobile centric adoption, sending and requesting signatures, security and compliance, to name but a few, but above all, a testament to the resourcefulness of product teams in adapting to changing times and forcing antiquated processes to move in a more readily available and democratic perspective. Highlight of the article includes:

“To keep up with competing homebuyers and offers, you need dependable digital tools to help you navigate the virtual world of real estate quickly — from online house-hunting to e-closing. Technology empowers buyers to compare housing options and make offers in minutes — without the hassle of waiting to schedule appointments or receive physical paperwork. In-person closings are becoming a thing of the past, thanks to electronic signature and digital document tools. Some mortgage e-closings still require physical meetings, but the option to e-sign documents can speed up the process significantly. Lenders can use a hybrid approach with both traditional and digital documents, or sign everything electronically through remote online notarization, if state laws allow.”


Examining the State of Apps. Very interesting article from Saidat Giwa-Osagie for The Next Web on the topic of Apps and where they currently stand. It’s an interesting reflection which looks at topics such as “Super Apps”, aka, a holistic all encompassing application which performs the services typically associated with multiple applications. The article also showcases the perspective from Web3 enthusiasts, which is all about decentralizing the power of Big Tech, and emphasizing privacy focus for the users. The author also describes how the existence of Low Code/No Code platforms is potentially going to bring additional changes to this technological environment (though based on my own professional experience, these platforms still have a ways to go). Worth reading. Highlight of the article includes:

“Say, for instance, you’re booking a trip and want to stay somewhere that serves your favorite meals. Instead of having to piece this information together yourself, a platform using the supergraph could search data from your food delivery and takeout app, alongside your flight search history and previous hotel stays to determine which destinations and hotels would best suit your preferences. The answers that emerge result from each person’s individual needs, resulting in bespoke information being served up. This flexible and fluid design caters to the unique needs of each individual, centring its output based on the individual using it.”


Cost Saving Tips in Challenging Times. With all the speculation that has been written in the past few months for a pending recession (which in turn has fueled that potential recession even further, by being a catalyst for all these series of layoffs), this article from Emily D’Silva for The Next Web highlights how EU startups (and dare I say it, companies in general), can proactively save for rougher times. These suggestions include Going Fully Remote (removing cost of fixed inventory), Choosing Cloud Providers, Leveraging Contracting and Freelancing Talent Pools, to name but a few. It’s an interesting reflection, which also asks for a pertinent reflection on how we work and prioritize budgets. Highlight of the article includes:

“In the digital age, companies are using multiple tools and apps for their business operations. Sometimes we have so many tools and subscriptions that we don’t even remember what they all are or what they’re for. Having a good clear out and canceling subscriptions for anything that’s not being used will reduce unnecessary spending. There are a lot of tools that have similar functions, so having a browse to compare the offerings might mean that you’re able to find a better deal that suits you and saves a bit of money. Some multi-use platforms and tools additionally consolidate and integrate functions, so you get more bang for your buck rather than having a separate tool for every task/team.”

