UI/UX Articles And Interesting Tidbits Of The Week

Pedro Canhenha
4 min readOct 31, 2020


Here are some interesting finds on UI/UX of the week!


Hiring Remotely. Very pertinent article for the times we’re currently living through. As challenging as reality has become, the fact that so many organizations are opening paths to remote operations, has trickled down to how people work, and of course, that has reflected itself in hiring processes. This article focuses on improvements to the hiring process itself, considering the remote aspect of it. It highlights aspects such as Tracking Talent (networking opportunities), Defining (& clarifying) Responsibilities when outlining job descriptions and Prioritizing Pertinent Technology, to name but a few. Well worth a read. Highlight of the article includes:

“Rather than relying on generic job descriptions such as managing a CRM platform or handling customer service, the job description should focus on the day-to-day tasks that this person will be expected to fulfill. A customer service role, for example, might consist of responding to customer inquiries on one particular issue, reporting those inquiries to a manager and resolving complications as they arise. Such a detailed description sets clear expectations for both the job candidate and the company, increasing the likelihood of identifying a best-match candidate and for that candidate to settle into a role that they expected (which is also helpful for retaining employees).”


Data Onboarding Challenges. Though this article is definitely a plug to FlatFile’s product solution, it nonetheless brings forth aspects of data transferability, security, credibility and ultimately efficiency, when it comes to users adopting and integrating software packages to their daily routine (and how to ingest their data into these software applications). While Onboarding as a general tactic and topic is something that several articles and publications argue should be skipped altogether (due to factors such as memory strain, higher interaction costs, lack of improvement of the product experience), this article goes into some details on problem statements, and recommendations to overcome these (even if the recommendations all tie with the usage of Flat File’s solution). Worth a read nonetheless. Highlight of the article includes:

“When you give your software users the ability to transfer their data into your product, there’s not a lot you or the software team can do in terms of formatting or cleaning up end users’ data beforehand. Nor should you have to. Your job is to ensure customers see the value in the software; not to struggle with importing data. You could give them a spreadsheet template, but that would require them to spend time reformatting all their data. You could point them to the knowledge base, but, again, that assumes that your end users will be willing to do that extra work. In reality, your users are going to be in a hurry to get inside the new software and get to work. They’re not going to stop to deal with this. That’s the software’s job.”


Best Practices: Website Footer. Interesting article focused on the topic of Website Footers, and the recommendations surrounding the best ways to deal with these. Footers have always been important components of Websites and Web Applications, since they typically provide instant pathways to help topics, mapping of sites and applications, not to mention further information on Organizations, Disclaimers, Privacy Policies, Cookies, Terms, all aspects that are of importance and which should be accounted for. This article looks at all the elements that should be accounted for in effective Footers, while also providing very relevant examples. Highlight of the article includes:

“In a world where our personal data is owned and accessed by dozens of companies, people are, rightfully concerned about their privacy. Some countries even have strict laws surrounding how websites and companies access their users’ personal data. As a result, you should be extremely careful while preparing your privacy policy and it should be listed on a spot that people can easily find it. As almost every website places their privacy policy on their website footer, visitors will most likely search for it there.”



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