UI/UX Articles and Interesting Tidbits of the Week

Pedro Canhenha
2 min readDec 3, 2018


Here are some interesting finds on UI/UX of the week!

How to Announce New Features. Interesting article on the importance of announcing new features in Product Design. The benefits of a deliberate and concerted strategy include client retention, churn avoidance, loyalty increase, among other brand related factors. This factor is particularly relevant due to the fact that users are so resistant to change, therefore a relevant feature announcement, eases the adoption process. Highlight of the article includes:

“You need to be sure your feature is getting traction. It won’t help engage existing customers or convert new ones if users don’t change their habits and start using it. To enable this, you need a strategy. The benefits of a good feature announcement product marketing strategy are huge: — Reduce churn by re-engaging users that are evaluating competitors or unsatisfied with existing limitations; — Improve loyalty by proving to your existing users that you are listening to their needs and moving quickly; — Boost retention by getting users hooked on a feature that helps them become more successful.”

Invisible Branding. Great article from Fast Company, detailing how AI and branding can co-exist and the challenges surrounding it. The article raises a very pertinent point, in that if AI is suppose to aid users and function invisibly, how does that marry with brand awareness and product visibility. Highlight of the article includes:

“The key obstacle that AI faces, from a branding perspective, is that it has been engineered to be invisible. AI is often deployed as a way to eliminate friction and to reduce people’s awareness of technology. Unlike other familiar brand elements–color, typography, logos, texture, sound, tone of voice, photography style–AI is often seen as being most successful when it’s completely invisible.”

Voice User Interfaces. As Voice UI becomes a standard experience, this excellent article details what underlines this technology, and how Designers can effectively build and devise a process to tackle it. The article further details considerations on factors such as Interactions, Technological Constraints, and goes into specific elements such as triggers, leading cues and motion. Highlight:

“Voice User Interfaces (VUI) are the primary or supplementary visual, auditory, and tactile interfaces that enable voice interaction between people and devices. Simply stated, a VUI can be anything from a light that blinks when it hears your voice to an automobile’s entertainment console. Keep in mind, a VUI does not need to have a visual interface — it can be completely auditory or tactile (ex. a vibration).”

