UI/UX Articles And Interesting Tidbits Of The Week
Here are some interesting finds on UI/UX of the week!
Feature Prioritizing. Great article from Smashing Magazine and author Slava Shestopalov, on the topic of prioritizing features in Product Design journeys. The article exposes and details the current practices, while also presenting alternatives into making this process more efficient and driven by insights which will in turn deliver value to Clients & Business. Also as an extra, it contains some templates which can be integrated into Miro. Worth reading. Highlight of the article includes:
“Recommended: “Based on your knowledge and on precedents from your practice, which of the feature ideas would pay off the soonest?”; “Please recall a recent development project — specifically, how long it took and what slowed or blocked the work. Now, which of the feature ideas on the board would be easiest to implement?”; “In a minute, we’ll vote on the expected value for customers. Let’s recall what they complained about in support tickets, what they requested in interviews, and what they used the most according to our analytics. So, which of the features presented on the whiteboard address the most critical needs?”; “Recall your conversations with end users and recent user-research results. Which features address their most acute pains?””
Top Technology Trends of 2021. Typically I don’t highlight articles focused on forecasting trends. I find those prognostication articles very subjective, at times repetitive, and lacking the understanding of one fundamental factor: life’s unpredictability. We need to look no further than 2020, and witness where all those trends and prognostications went. That being said, this article while highlighting expectations, is also a reflection on where the world hopefully will be headed. And it also compiles insights from an array of interesting individuals from different industries who were canvased for the purpose of this article. Highlight of the article includes:
“Before the pandemic, we saw a clear difference in how people were using home Wi-Fi on weekdays versus weekends. Now many people are working, learning, and keeping everyone entertained from home seven days a week. We’ve formed habits and have gotten a lot more comfortable with doing things virtually. This opens up an entirely new way of life for a lot of people. The latest research has shown that 42 percent of the U.S. labor force is now working from home, but even after the pandemic, the anticipated share of working-from-home days is set to triple compared to pre-pandemic levels.”
The Fragility of Supply Chains. Great article from Tech Crunch, focused on the issues which have unraveled since the pandemic started, particularly in the Supply chain domain. Having worked in producing software for that industry, I can personally attest how complex the solutions being delivered can be, but also how much they improve efficiency, reliability and ultimately performance, for all those involved in this ecosystem. This article sheds light on the challenges Organizations faced, while also highlighting possible directions to overcome those going forward. Highlight of the article includes:
“It is possible that lessons will be learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. It is time for companies and entire industries to rethink and transform their global supply chain models — in close collaboration with governments. One thing is for sure, the pandemic has already exposed the vulnerabilities of many organizations, especially those who have a solid dependence on global sourcing for raw or finished materials. The good news is that new supply chain technologies are emerging that will heighten visibility across supply chains, reducing risk and creating an infrastructure that can handle the volatility of the next pandemic. The application of distributed ledger technology has already proven to be useful as a solution to ensure accountability and trust in the data provided along the supply chain. Digital supply networks will slowly replace linear supply chain models, breaking down functional silos to create end-to-end visibility, collaboration, agility and optimization.”
Best Websites of 2020. Couldn’t start the new year without looking at what came out of Web Driven products during 2020. While for the most part, and one can easily attest to it by checking Awwwards & Site Inspire for instance, I firmly believe that the large percentage of commercial websites being released, are clones of each other with very little to distinguish them. Hopefully moving forward, there will be an understanding that creating something which resonates with audiences/clients/users, involves the trifecta of brand/product experience/client engagement. Looking at some of the websites, I can’t help but feel that trends and styles topple everything else, leaving in its path a somewhat empty exercise in trend, with no resonance with the brands themselves.