UI/UX Articles And Interesting Tidbits Of The Week

Pedro Canhenha
Design Warp
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2020



Here are some interesting finds on UI/UX of the week!


Gaining Credibility for Qualitative Research. Very interesting article hailing from the Dropbox design blog. This article focuses on strategies that can be applied to further cement the findings from qualitative research. In the past, and in the context of this newsletter I’ve highlighted several articles on the topic of quantitative research methods (including Metrics & Analytics, Eyetracking studies, Desirability Studies, Tree Testing, Card Sorting, A/B Testing or Multivariate Testing, Surveys and Questionnaires, to name but a few), but this is an insightful look at ways to compliment that type of analysis. The author provides recommendations on building context, on terminology, recommendations and also on transparency underlying the findings themselves. Highlight of the article includes:

“Your qualitative findings will carry more weight if you can relate them to other sources of information. The classic example is using qualitative work to explain the “why” behind the “what” that your team sees in behavioral data. But you can also use other sources of information to reinforce the findings and recommendations from your qualitative study. Work with your data scientists or product analysts to connect what you heard in your research with what they see in behavioral data. Connect your findings to other academic studies. And, of course, correlate your study with other relevant internal research.”


Colors and Data Visualizations. Not a typical highlight of this newsletter, but one that is very pertinent. As Data Visualizations have become a prevailing way to communicate with users and diverse stakeholders, the power of color is something that can be undermined. This article consists of a thorough/comprehensive study on how to choose colors, which ones to apply when building successful and resonating data visualizations (and infographics). Well worth a read. Highlight of the article includes:

“Neon colors will definitely attract the attention of readers. But these readers won’t thank you. Most of us get a bit stressed out when we see them: “Highly saturated, light colors will NOT be appropriate [to communicate] Serious or Trust, or Calm,” as Bartram, Patra & Stone explain in their paper “Affective Color in Visualization” from 2017.”


Responsive Web Design. Hailing from LambdaTest, this article is a thoroughly detailed and insightful look at what Responsive Web Design is. The author not only explains at length what the topic is about, but also goes through additional topics such as Viewports, Media Queries, CSS Grids, Responsive Images, CSS Flexbox, Other Web Languages, among others. For anyone wanting to refresh or learning additionally about the evolution of Responsive Web Design, this article is a good way to start. Highlight of the article includes:

“It is clear by now that the browser will fetch the webpage in its original form. The browser will then calculate the viewport and the webpage will be adjusted accordingly. But the orientation part comes under special cases when we refer to this responsive web design tutorial. The webpage will adjust normally if the website was fetched keeping the mobile in the landscape orientation or portrait orientation. But, if the user changes the orientation, the browser will zoom the page in order to make it look like the webpage adjusted according to the viewport.”


The Evolution of Retail. This article from Fast Company, and author Tom Buiocchi, is a pertinent and interesting reflection on the challenges retail chains and department stores are experiencing, while also contemplating what strategies they should consider to keep themselves relevant on the market, and ultimately avoid obsoletion. It’s an interesting view into our current world, and provides many bridges to the power of e-commerce, technology and users rapidly shifting habits. Worth a read. Highlight of the article includes:

“Even before the pandemic, retail was evolving fast, and the old guard was struggling to keep up. Over the past two years, giants such as Walmart, Amazon, and Target consistently rolled out shorter delivery times, bigger inventories, and lower prices, while D2C brands such as Warby Parker and Everlane built modern physical interiors that made older stores look unappealing. Meanwhile, restaurants were being pressured by DoorDash and Uber Eats to find new ways to serve customers.”

