Methodical and thorough case study, however and if you don't mind, I'll leave a couple of observations below. When it comes to streaming, and particularly these days with all the options on the market, having a competitive edge, is mostly driven by the robustness of AI and machine learning. These are elements which basically learn from users habits and how they essentially use the product itself. In this particular case, that translates into information pertaining to what they have seen in the past, what they have added to their watchlist, etc, which enables of course new suggestions (and produces stickiness with the user). With that in mind, why not built an experience that is anchored on the concept of Personalization, where indeed there is choice - albeit not an overwhelming one - but that is centered around what the application knows of the user. It would have been interesting for you to explore, for instance, how this app is consumed for first time users. Onboarding experiences are so important, therefore understanding how a user sets up an account, and how the system captures enough information to generate something that caters to that specific user would be quite interesting. Demographics, location, language preferences, all play very important roles in influencing and even defining what people/users want to see and eventually follow. Just a few considerations. Keep up the thorough work!